
Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Hello bloggers, this term the middle school and the seniors have been swimming at Cameron pools and have been swimming in our school pool. We go to Cameron pools every Tuesday and Thursday my instructor is Sam and we swim in the school pool every Wednesday and Friday. We have been learning how to do free style, back stroke, and how to rotate on our back when we need to breath.

please keep on looking at my work and please leave a comment blog you latter!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Show not tell, setting writing
This week we are working on using descriptive language by sharing our writing straight onto our blog.  The challenge we have is to describe a place using only six sentences.  After reading the description you need to guess the place that has been described. It would really help if you say what clues helped you come to this conclusion.

1.Lots of fun is here come every day
3.people jumping everywhere
4.It is very poplaur
5.People have celebrate there 
6.lots of food and drinks

Leave a comment below thinking where you think I could be and what clues you have for this.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

WELCOME TO 2018!!!


Hello bloggers I am back and Welcome to 2018 Learning Journey and it has all ready been three weeks.This week the year sixes made a DLO (Digital Learning Object) about how we look after our Chromebook. I did a google drawing to show how to look after our Chromebook, my heading was "Keep your Password a secret" from the Kawa of Care document.